Eligibility requirements for the certification process and membership in NVP Association.

- Only candidates over 26 years of age may receive the certificate.
- The Mentoring Council may approve a person under 26 years of age demonstrating an exceptional pedagogical potential to be a member of the Association, but the certificate cannot be granted until the candidate is 26 years old. As Assistants to Senior Teachers or Mentors, such candidates may fully participate in the training offered by the Association.
- Having vocal skills, basic piano playing skills, reading sheet music.
- Pedagogical experience in teaching singing (at least one year).
- Any master’s degree, although a degree in a music‑related field is preferred (unless the Mentoring Council decides otherwise, based on the pedagogical talent of the candidate).
- Musical education – confirmed by diplomas, references or attestations, if the candidate received private education.
- Approval of the principles of vocal technique promoted by the NVP Association and agreeing to teach singing according to these principles.
- Approval of the ethical principles of the NVP Association and agreeing to follow them.
- At least 6 months of lessons with one of our mentors.
- An interview with an NVP mentor.
- Signing of an NVP membership declaration and acceptance of the internal rules of procedure.