Natural Voice Perfection is based on voice development that harmonises with anatomical and physiological natural laws. It demands that teachers integrate knowledge from many fields, such as anatomy, physiology, physics, vocal tract acoustics (overtones and formants), psychology, music, rhythmics, music styles, etc. Obviously, teachers need to be well‑informed in vocal pedagogy and voice rehabilitation so that they can get clarity in developing their students’ voices as well as help them to heal any vocal malfunctions.
Moreover, a voice coach also needs to be a good vocalist who systematically works on their own voice, otherwise, a full understanding of their students’ vocal problems is not possible.
We give much attention towards the way our vocalists sound, how they sing, what their vocal range and tessitura are, and emphasise the importance of maintaining comfort around the neck area. Our goal is to facilitate the singing process. As pedagogues we need to build and improve this living instrument while teaching the vocalist how to use it.

The best singing is built on feelings and directed towards the audience’s sensibilities. To make this possible, we need to help develop a good foundation of vocal technique for the singer. We are searching for balance which is the adjustment between not only the amount of air released through the vocal cords and their muscle tension, but also whole body coordination.

We treat our trainings holistically, organically, both psychologically and physiologically, and put an emphasis on regular practice that helps develop the vocalists’ potential.
NVP builds on the voice work based on Primal Sound, which is the original sound of each voice, according to the rule( belief? observation?) that beautiful singing comes only from the primal sound. We also work on posture and breathing since we treat them as the fundamentals for good and healthy sound. We analyse the speaking voice as it is the basis from which we start dealing with (developing?) the singing voice. We take care of resonance and articulation. Our main goal is to achieve artistry and professionalism both on stage and in the studio.
NVP pedagogues continuously train their skills under the supervision of experienced mentors and specialists from around the world so that we sustain the best level of expertise.
NVP has its own Scientific Council represented by many outstanding specialists from the following fields of science: phoniatry, speech therapy, psychology, psychotherapy, physiotherapy, performing arts, etc.
NVP pedagogues popularize DoctorVox devices designed for voice exercise and rehabilitation that support the Lax Vox Technique introduced to Poland by Sonia Lachowolska (who cooperates with DoctorVox on a daily basis).
Many great vocalists have placed their trust in NVP, such as Kevin Mahogany, Natalia Niemen, Aga Zaryan, Golec uOrkiestra, Kasia Cerekwicka, Wojtek Cugowski and others.
Sonia Lachowolska